Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm moved. Now the arranging starts. It's taken me six weeks to get moved into my parents place. First I had to clean out my new room, which had been used to store everything they didn't want to look at or deal with. Then I had to clean out my house. I've gone from 1100 square feet to a 10x10 storage unit and a 10x20 bedroom. I learned a lot about letting go of attachment. I still have my daughters Light Bright that's 20+ years old, but I've moved it with me for so many years I thought, "Why stop now?" The same goes for the kitchen clock and the rocking chair. But, it's done. Finally!

I now know why I had so many children. They're great when it comes to moving. My daughter jumped right in and got the little things done while I tackled the sorting of keep, donate and trash. My sons got the work out of their lives and did all the heavy lifting. I couldn't have done it without them. Now comes the arranging and co-mingling of my life with my parents. I'm looking forward to sharing many days and years with them. And my parents are looking forward to the many visits from my children. I hope that my coming here will add to theirs lives. I know it will add to mine.