Friday, July 3, 2009


I've just been to the Sporting Goods Super Store. My parents like to go there for the food. Yes, there's actually a little food court where one can dine on elegant delights such as, bison, wild boar and even ostrich. I played it safe with a turkey and swiss. Not that I don't like adventure, I'm all for zip lining across the Grand Canyon or hiking along a glacier in Yosemite. But, wild boar and ostrich sandwiches just does not really float my boat. Believe me, I played it all in my head while waiting in line at the Road Kill Grill in the Sporting Goods Super Store. There are people in New Guinea who would kill for a wild boar sandwich. In some parts of the world it's unheard of to eat beef. That's fine, but I'm not in those parts of the world. Argument ended. My father tried the wild boar and it did not taste like chicken. According to him, it tasted like ham. My mother concurred.

When you first walk in to the Sporting Goods Super Store, flying over head is a gaggle of geese, stuffed. And hanging from every post and pillar is one animal head or another, stuffed. In the middle of the store is a HUGE display of animals, stuffed. Moose, bear, wolves, deer, elk, lions, impalas, mountain goats...every wild animal imaginable and every single one of them was stuffed. And every sales counter had a display of birds, quail, guinea fowl, went on and on. It made me sad. I would have much rather seen pictures of these animals in their natural habitat than to see them stuffed in some giant diorama or display case.

They did, however, have an aquarium of fresh water fish. Trout, salmon, cat fish, muskies, wall eye, all sorts of fish and big ones, too. These were alive (but I secretly wished for my fishing pole)and happily swimming as a happy fish should. In the bottom of this display was a boat, with the Sporting Goods Super Store name and logo on it. I certainly hope it wasn't an add for their boating equipment. I'd say they need to fire their marketing director. But, there were some BIG fish in that tank!

What really got me was the camouflage wrapped candy. I couldn't help but wonder if that wasn't so when these big, brave hunters drop their candy wrappers it will blend in with the forest floor. Let me tell you, the next time I'm out hiking and stumble upon a camouflage candy wrapper, I know right where I'm bringing it!

My favorite item that I came away with, was my Leatherman's tool. It's pink and the only reason I bought it was because it was pink. If you're going to do guy tools, they have to be pink.

And that was my big afternoon at the Sporting Goods Super Store.

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