Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pimp my Mobile Home

Well, just when you think there's nothing new under the sun, you find something. I was making note the other day about television. For the most part, I'm not a big TV watcher, but lately, it's been something to do when I can no longer read. It has come to my attention that I have seen nearly everything on television at least once, sometimes twice. That is until last night. I discovered a new program that left me laughing so hard I had tears running down my face. It was delightful.

Since I'm not here to promote television or a program of any sort, I really can't give you the details, but I will give you the gist. It's a program where the crew remodels and redecorates a mobile home. That in itself should conjure up plenty of humorous images. The family is sent away for the weekend while the interior demolition and reconstruction take place. While the family is busy packing their clothes in garbage bags (truth is stranger than fiction), a moving company packs up all their possessions and puts them in storage. And the fun begins. The entire interior is gutted and rebuilt. The results are really very dramatic and quite elegant, I must admit; and the host is funny. "I really like messing with Ken. Why? Because, I'm a jerk."

The home is then refurnished with brand new furniture, appliances and fixtures. Unfortunately, once the re-do is done, the home can never be moved again. And I wonder if the actual frame structure can support the weight of the hot tubs or professional stoves and refrigerators that are installed. But, perhaps I'm a bit too cynical. The family comes home from their weekend get away to a brand new home and there are tears and cheers all around. It's nice to see what can be done and it is entertaining. What I wonder is once all the stuff is packed up and stored, who decides what to keep and what to throw?

I can now no longer complain about having seen everything on television more than once. Something new is always nice, no matter how corny. Can't wait until next week's show.

1 comment:

UNdesireable said...

There's another one you might be interested in called, "Clean House".

It's the same scenario except they go to houses that are trashed with clutter and junk. They talk the family into selling all their shit in a big-ass yard sale, then use the money to remodel the house. They don't gut the place, but new furnishings and paint and decorations that make the house look like it should be. It gets you thinking about all the shit you collect through the years and what you can do with it. The host is pretty funny, too.