Tuesday, May 6, 2008

"The Life and Times of a Pseudo Quadraplege"

The ‘Law of Attraction”. The law of attraction basically is we attract what we like. I find this interesting in light of the situation I’m finding myself in. It started just after New Year's, I began developing a rash on every body part that is impossible to cover; in a stylish, fashionable manner that is. Hands, face, forearms, chest, you know, body parts that are normally exposed. The rash was uncomfortably itchy, and spreading like wildfire so of course, I consulted my doctor. Actually, I consulted several. The general response was that this was an autoimmune rash. Accompanying the rash was an increase in muscle pain and weakness making it impossible to stand or walk at times. And, fatigue, I could hardly stay awake! This was most disturbing to me. I am finally facing and looking forward to enjoying an empty nest. I raised four very fine adults all of which are happy, healthy and on their ways to successful lives. Now it's my turn. My turn to travel, go back to school, spend time on my photography and writing goals, whatever I want. I had also just returned to my study of energy healing and have set many goals for myself in that respect alone. Why would I attract this to myself?

Well, after being poked and prodded and stuck and having microscopic skin samples removed from inside and out, blood samples every time I visit my doctor and getting no clear diagnosis, just countless prescriptions for antihistamines, over priced steroid lotions and a shot in the butt of cortisone all of which was totally ineffective, I began doing my own research. I researched "autoimmune disorders", of which there are about 10 or 12. The descriptions of the disorders I found on the internet included photos. Well, what do you know? There are pictures of people with a rash similar to mine! Down my arms, across my hands, around my cuticles (which were the most painful causing a need to wear gloves to avoid the slightest bump) and even my eyelids. "Dermatomyositis". I was a textbook case. Armed with the information I gathered from the internet, I visited my doc and blood tests confirmed. Now what?

Dermatomyositis is a rare disorder that affects roughly 5 to 10 people per 100 million world wide. It's something doctors learn about in med school, yet never expect to see. My mother's doctor, in 50 years of medical practice, saw one case in medical school, so he is quite interested in my case, treatment and progress. Can you imagine a doctor actually interested in a patient and not even his own, so he isn't even getting paid? They don't make them like that anymore.

In any autoimmune disorder, the immune system attacks and destroys healthy tissue, in this case, skin and muscle. I was referred to a rheumatologist and was able to be seen rather quickly, but my physical condition had deteriorated to the point of being pretty helpless. It's like I'm 3 again. I can't comb my hair, brush my teeth or even dress and feed myself. Good thing I love 3 year olds!

"The Life and Times of a Pseudo Quadraplege" is by no means intended as an insult to those with disabilities. In a sense, since I have limited function in my arms and legs, I am quadraplegic, but only a little. I can walk and use my arms to an extent. But, I have a lot to learn about working within those limits. I hope this blog to be educational, fun, funny and enlightening to anyone who may stumble upon this. To those with serious paralysis or disabilities, I admire you and hope to be able to learn from your examples of determination. To those new to the limits, perhaps this can be a help.

Though, to all who read this, I wish you peace, love and happiness.

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